Catholic Elementary School from Preschool- Grade 8 located on two campuses.
Scrip is a term that means “substitute money”. When you purchase scrip, you’re purchasing gift cards or certificates, which are used just like cash. You can use scrip to purchase everyday expenses like food, clothing, and other essentials. With every purchase, you earn revenue for our school.
Fill out the order form and you can pay by check or cash. During the school year your order will need to be turned into either school office by 9:30 AM on Monday mornings. We place our orders on Mondays and it should be back in the office for pick-up on Wednesday afternoons. You can also choose to have your Scrip sent home with your child or pick it up in the office. There is a place on the order form to request this. We also keep Scrip on hand in the Kieler Campus Office during regular school hours. If we do not have what you want, we will then order it with our next Monday order.
If you have any questions concerning Scrip, please contact our Scrip Coordinator, Susie Tranel, or call either school office.